Welcome to GIS Butterfly

GIS- Geographic Information Systems (English)
GIS- Global Information Science (ASL)
Butterfly- A colorful insect that flies from flower to flower pollinating and bring joy to the onlooker.

Monday, November 12, 2012


Thanksgiving 1991

Isaiah 26:3 “You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.”

I was excited to see that I won a blog "give away" today. Lynn Cowell 
had a giveaway for Stress Point Thriving Through Your Twenties In A Decade Of Drama. 

At this point in the mothering journey I can't think of a better gift. My 3 daughters are 18,19 (almost 20) and 21 (almost 22).  I feel like I have just lived a "Decade of Drama" and now she tells me there is another to come. WOW! 

I will read the book hand it to Mary, the oldest and she can hand it down to each sister in turn. Mary is the baby in the picture today. She is gumming a piece of celery. She was a slobbery mess.

I will be looking for other Thanksgiving pictures to post in the upcoming weeks.

We had our church annual Thanksgiving feast yesterday. It was such a blessing to had all my children and a boyfriend all under the same roof. 

Today's Gift to be Thankful for ~ 3 Gifts at Noon

  1) My van traveling to an appointment for my son
  2) Leftover Turkey for my sandwich
  3) Sunshine peaking through the clouds

Blessing on your Thanksgiving Season.

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