Welcome to GIS Butterfly

GIS- Geographic Information Systems (English)
GIS- Global Information Science (ASL)
Butterfly- A colorful insect that flies from flower to flower pollinating and bring joy to the onlooker.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Autumn At Last

First true day of Autumn

The calendar, the phase of the moon, the sap draining from leaves...may all say, "Autumn is here." BUT until the temperature in Redding, California finally drops below 85 during the day, yes, only then do I believe it is true autumn.
97 degrees and the first red maple leave 9/26/19

Update Since Last Blog Post

After my last blog post an amazing coworker blessed me with a new (to me) bedroom suite. A family member had passed away and after reading my blog she asked if I would like a queen sized bed, dresser and bedside table. I was overwhelmed. Three days later my daughter, Mary, and I took the bit of furniture out of my bedroom and brought up a complete suite.
bed with beautiful bedding

The wood color matches my old desk

A place for the legacy set of bridal pictures
and some of my vanity jar collection
I work with some of the most generous people on the planet. I have slept so well the past week back in The Nest.

The Great Pumpkin Run/Walk

A month ago I saw this virtual run/walk that looked like fun. Get a Pumpkin and some friends and go for a run/walk, 5K. Well 5K is only a little over 3 miles. My route from my apartment to The Sundial Bridge and back is 4 miles. I decided since no friends picked up the hint to join me I would do my 5K today and make it a Triathlon of my own creation. 
Cool light weight hoody that was included with the fee
I made my friend to join me

I ran into my friend and principal to witness
this zany adventure I was on

The best view in Redding for anyone
who has gone up
the .5 mile hill up to Hilltop Drive

The Pumpkin and I left the bike at The Nest

Pumpkin and helmet went up then the bike

Another mile to Cinemark 14 to watch
Downton Abbey

No one stopped to ask why I was walking around town with a pumpkin,
but a lady stopped to say she liked my "Poe" Crow leggings.

I had a gift card for the movie from school
and a gift card for coffee from a teacher

After 6 miles of Bike and Walk/Run~
Pumpkin and I went for a Spa Treatment

Finally I opened my metal and ribbon
Special Victory Meal

There will be a few sore muscles tomorrow. It may have been more fun to share with a friend, perhaps next time. I love the speed of riding my bike down to Turtle Bay/ Sacramento River Trail. It was great to see the Canadian geese doing the "Duck Down Dilly" in the Sacramento River and see all the people walking dogs and having coffee dates along the river trail. Seeing the wonderful Mrs. G. and her handsome man was a bonus. 
We got a $10 movie card for safety at work and I had wanted to see Downton Abbey. I love Dame Maggie Smith and Michelle Dockery. The theater was packed and it was fun to hear people laugh at Maggie Smith's conversations with Penelope Wilton. As I have never watched Downton Abbey the movie was a fresh treat. (Before judging me please remember, I do not have a television.) I did however, watch a segment called, "Everything a person must know before seeing the movie in 5 minutes." 
Returning home I enjoyed some time in the 104 degrees hot tub. Our pool was still at 85 degrees, although the air temperature was only 70 today. Calling my sister, Elaine, I learned in Reno it was snowing as I watched the hummingbirds out my plate glass door. It seems her Autumn was only a few days long. We are expecting rain for the next couple of days and my hummingbirds seems to know it, as they dive bomb me when I go out the door.
Spilled a little wine when a hummer buzzed me
In 1985 I was a motel manager in Susanville. My husband of 7 years chose this situation the last year of our marriage to hide me away, while he had an affair with my "best friend".  My only break that year was to go to the store and purchase a bottle of Perrier Water and a Cosmo magazine.
Not too racey in 1985
My "Best Friend" would suggest that I take some time off from the office and she would fill in for me. May 1985 divorce was a shame I added to my life and self-care wasn't happening for another couple of decades. 2001 a woman asked me to go to coffee for the first time. This was such a crazy idea to me. I hadn't had anyone ask me out for coffee or anything. I was skeptical that it was even allowed. My second husband had "sheltered our family from the world" and that included getting together with friends.
Then when I went to college in 2009 I started taking my girls to coffee. It was a precious time to share and go to coffee. Thankfully, we have all began the healing from that time of our lives. I still like fancy bubble waters. Coffee has lost some of it's appeal in resent months. Lately, teas have been satisfying the need for morning caffeine. However, having a free hot peppermint mocha was not wasted on me. 

What is next at The Nest

A new friend suggested I look at the book, "Hope for the Flowers." She heard the story from my blog that told of my hungry caterpillar to butterfly analogy and told me I needed to get this book. It seems that the wings have started to dry and the flight of Deena Orr has begun.
Years ago, my children and I watch a butterfly come out of the chrysalis one day. It dropped onto some soil and I picked it up on my finger. It jumped off my finger after a few moments and onto Joey's head. She stood there with a "Real" Butterfly clip on her head as we all marveled at this amazing creature. Being a butterfly is scary as they are so delicate, but so resilient. 
That is the word for this season in my life: Resilient. Last Monday I went to a workshop on Resilience in the Schools. That is the buzz word for being able to self-regulate. Which is another buzz word for coming back into the present after having a meltdown. So many buzz words. The acronyms in education are even crazier than the buzz words. 
In January I hope to return to school to get my Bachelors Degree with an emphasis in Behavior. Our children need to be understood in a totally different way than my children or my own teachers needed to specialize. They say that one person had to care about you or you wouldn't be the person you are now. 
That person for me was Virginia Travis. She was our next door neighbor and a 5th grade teacher. 
My take home truth from the workshop was that each child comes to me with a load of baggage, just like I do. As adults we are expected to leave that baggage at home and come to work ready to do the task assigned. We expect children will do the same thing, but they are confronted with so many "adult situations" that they can't begin to process.
I had a group of children in which we were discussing the Big Words in the Preamble of the Constitution. 
...insure domestic tranquility...was an eye opening subject. I asked them if they knew what domestic meant. One said, "I've dealt with domestic violence." They all nodded in agreement, they knew what "Domestic Violence" was, but didn't know what tranquility was...in third grade! We expect them to understand that we are here to help them learn and be kind to one another. My school is one of the best I know of in this way. I have the most caring staff and the students understand that we are there for them. However, we all go home at night needing someone to care for us. Well in my case, that is me caring for me.
I have started a Bible Study. This group is beginning to get use to me and share. I have a few friends that I have made since moving to Redding four years ago that keep up with me. (Two lovely ladies came over last night for a little TGIF, it was great.) There is also one friend from my old life and one I met a year ago who take me to dinner or coffee once in a while. I am not alone anymore. My family checks in sometimes too. Mostly, I check in with them. 
Today was my first day of Autumn and I feel that I have been blessed in so many ways since moving to Redding four years ago. Self-care is a thing. Today it was: biking, walking, swimming and hot tub. I had a free coffee with a pumpkinšŸ¤£ and a free movie. My bike tires are full, as well, as my gas tank. A hummingbird buzzed me and I have a great bottle of wine. Radio station Air1 (FM102.7) is softly playing in The Nest as the wind blows in the rain clouds. The Nest is warm and cozy. Yes, I am very blessed.

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your story, Deena. It's a story of finding your authentic self, and that's a story that compels me. I feel honored to have "made the blog" and tickled to have met you along the bridge on Saturday. Keep journeying!
