Welcome to GIS Butterfly

GIS- Geographic Information Systems (English)
GIS- Global Information Science (ASL)
Butterfly- A colorful insect that flies from flower to flower pollinating and bring joy to the onlooker.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

One Week until Summer Vacation

Count Down to Summer Vacation

6 days until my vacation begins and 3 weeks
until I'm a grandma (more or less)

I got this wonderful vintage phone at a yard sale last weekend. It only can except calls, I can't dial out, but it has amazing sound. I got the land line for my kids and family to call me when I forget to charge my cell phone. Since I got the new phone, I've been getting more calls at home.

Beautiful Abbie and My Granddaughter
Amazing yard sale finds last weekend

2 adorable toddler dresses

Vintage 1950's

Last Sunday I made the final of this painting to remind myself...

Summer day-camp has been a growing experience for me. I learned I could do camp
without Mary Rice Hopkin's songs. I had some great helpers and I have fallen
in love with some super little people. Most I wont see again unless they are in 
our other camps. Some will be at my school in Three Weeks when we start the Fall Semester.

Some weeks just keeping my 20 odd little T-shirts washed for field trips
and keeping my nails polished was the only extra curricular activities I could muster.

Coffee, Worship Music and Yoga have kept me from 

coming unglued this summer.

Highlight of the summer besides seeing all my girls and my sister, Elaine, 
at Abbie's shower
was that I got a new coffee pot. The old $10 Walmart Mr Coffee was starting to short out. I went to TJMaxx and got a pretty new coffee maker for 1/2 prize. They also had coffee for a discount.

In two weeks I will be taking a real vacation to San Francisco with my sister. Our weather has hit critical hot! Over 105 for the next week. S.F. is sounding pretty sweet. I plan to walk a lot, drink wine and coffee on my niece's patio and do a little yoga to my worship music out there too.

I have embraced my sensitive self this summer. I have been abused in many ways for my sensitive self. People have talked down to me and held me back for being sensitive. I am a butterfly with delicate wings and a strong core. I love deeply and find it hard to let go. 
My sensitivity is not a negative personality trait. I care deeply and want everyone to play nice and get along. Maybe that is idealistic and naive, but I will still continue for that goal.

My Roommate

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