Welcome to GIS Butterfly

GIS- Geographic Information Systems (English)
GIS- Global Information Science (ASL)
Butterfly- A colorful insect that flies from flower to flower pollinating and bring joy to the onlooker.

Saturday, January 25, 2014


I can't believe my last post was in November as I was anticipating our Thanksgiving visit from my children. Following Thanksgiving I was thrown into a whirlwind of paper work to apply for my new job, which I started on December 9th. The topic for five minute Friday is VISIT.


"Two little girls knocking on my door, they have come for a 'whisit' with me. Elaine Irene is only three, and Cheryl Lynn is only three..." That was a poem my Great Grandma H. M. Bussey wrote in 1956. Three years before the first visit that I appeared in as my oldest sister is six years older than me.
My little girls are now almost 23, 21 and 19 1/2. Visits have gone from tea parties in the back yard with stuffed animals to Thanksgiving with new fellas to meet the family. We have occasional visit on Skype. That is a crazy thing to me as I always think of George Jetson getting yelled at by his boss in a futuristic sci-fi cartoon of the 1960s. Amazing how family changes and the visits change in timing and place.
I miss the little girls in my life, but love these wonderful young women they have become. A school bus
driver/mechanic, an Archaeology student and a Child Development Student, and lets not forget their little brother the 6 foot plus Fire ROP fella. What amazing possibilities for topics I never imagined in my childhood or their childhood....amazing possibilities for topics to visit.


For those who keep up on my blog here are few pictures to update you on the events of December 2013 and January 2014.

Wes and kids did the Turkey Trout Thanksgiving Day
Johanna and I made the shirts
Ian graduated to pinata man @ Aunt Merna's 
The entire family in one place 
Dec. 11, 2014 Ian's ROP ERS Badge Pinning
All ready for Ride along
(Ian spends 24 hour each weekend with Cal Fire)
Dec.24, 2014 - Tim got down on one knee
Abbie said, "Yes!"
last summer picture of the happy couple
(anticipating a June Wedding)
Junior can't wait for the living room to get back to normal
Christmas Morning 
Johanna went down to see Abbie since she didn't make it home
for Christmas
Back to a new normal...
Johanna back to school this last week...
Abbie staring school again this week...
Ian started back to school two weeks ago...
(Mary too)
and I am loving my new job with
Blue Shield of CA FEP.