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Butterfly- A colorful insect that flies from flower to flower pollinating and bring joy to the onlooker.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

How Should We Then Live?

How Should We Then Live? The Rise and Decline of Western Thought ...
The statement that is the title of this book has been going through my mind a lot in the past four or five months. Four months ago we closed schools. School, Pier 1, Church and every little thing that would be considered "my normal" was gone. In Francis A. Schaeffer's book on page 252 Mr. Schaeffer concludes his discussion in western philosophy of "immediate peace and affluence." He wrote this book in the 1970's and many churches offered viewing of the video series. My own understand of this series was the need to adjust our world view.
  How better to adjust your world view than have a World Wide Shelter in Place order. I spent the first two months watching Rick Steves' Europe travel series on YouTube. The following months I have been following up on all those European countries that rely on American Tourism for their economy. These countries are hurting financially, but their air is fresh and locals are getting to see the sites in uncrowded conditions.
  Universally, our globe is having the least pollution of decades. Family values have been regained. Parents had to stay home with their children and eat around the table. I have heard of so many families that adjusted priorities and the children are thriving. We can focus on media controversies or the good things that are coming out of this summer.
  When we come out on the other side of Covid-19/summer 2020 I hope personal peace and affluence are not my personal goals. My peace needs to come from serving my LORD and loving my neighbor as myself.


This past Sunday I was blessed to have our Bishop come through Redding and lay hands on me in The Order of Confirmation. If I had been raised in the Anglican tradition this would have happened during my high school years. Fittingly, I feel like I have revisited my late teen years. This season has allowed me the time to reflect on Deena of the 1970's and what my goals and aspirations were before being married and having children. My faith journey has been solid all these years with many people who have showed God's love to my family. I currently am thankful for my Anglican Church and the wonderful people that celebrate and serve our Savior with me at Saint Luke's.
  Since returning to my university studies in January I have been able to study: World History, Art History, Church History and exam my own history.  Confirmation was a public step to let the folks at Saint Luke's know that I am serious about serving with them. May the gifts given to all believers through the Holy Spirit dwelling in me: Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding, Courage, Discernment, Piety and the Fear of GOD. The closing hymn was Onward Christian Soldiers.

So How Will I Live?

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
(II Timothy 2:7 KJV) 
There is so much fear in our world right now. This season of Novel Corona Virus is something that most people have no realm of experience to draw on to help cope. On CBS Sunday Morning program there was an interview of Melissa Gilbert who stared as Laura in "Little House on the Praise." History does tell us that schools have been closed before to stop spread of diseases. People have worn face coverings before to stop spreading diseases. There has been economic decline when the world seemed to stand still during plaques, wars and natural catastrophe.
  I will not live in fear as my hope is in the name of my LORD, Jesus. My earthly life may be in danger, but my eternal life is secure under the blood of Jesus and the resurrection of the dead in the Day of the LORD.  My niece asked me if I had a saint that I claim. I would choose Saint Therese of the Flowers. She wrote, "What matters in life is not great deeds, but great love." I am here today possibly from the prayers of a woman who pinned a metal of St Therese on the pillow of a little boy and the prayers said over that fella in the late 1930's. (A story for another day.)
  For today, I choose to show love and grace in all situations. Until my perfection I will continue to ask for forgiveness and walk in my faith with hope.
2 Timothy 1:7 God Did Not Give Us a Spirit of Fear - Free Bible ...


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