Welcome to GIS Butterfly

GIS- Geographic Information Systems (English)
GIS- Global Information Science (ASL)
Butterfly- A colorful insect that flies from flower to flower pollinating and bring joy to the onlooker.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Happy Easter~Photo Shoot

Dutchmen's Pipe Swallowtail 

my spirit butterfly
This morning I walked down to the duck's house and found this little fella fluttering from Blue Dick flower to flower. It was so playful and fun to watch. Today was the last day of my Spring Break, so I walked around the yard looking for things I hadn't seen before. There are so many giant Bumble Bees.

This little lovely performed for me for 10 minutes

Wild Daisies 
These daisies remind me of the little daisies that are in the lawns all over Humbolt University. One of my daughters attended HSU and I loved those cute little flowers in the grasses.

This Mountain Lilac has a gentler fragrance than the larger leaf cousin we see in most yards.

snow drops ?
I'm not sure about these little guys. Taking this walk reminded me that I need to brush up in my flower book. When I was a Park Ranger I got a book to identify wild flowers in So East Utah. I have a lot of interests, but I am a master of none. On reflection, perhaps, that is what an artisan often is: We dabble in a lot of different things, but rarely does someone become a master of one thing; at least not to make a living at that Art Form.

    I crochet, knit, paint, do a variety of needle work, sing, write, draw, dance and sew. Customers think I know something of home decor and parents think I know something of teaching. Although I have raised four children, I would never consider myself an expert. I am good at many things, but I get bored before I master one thing. I finish projects, however, it sometimes take years.

Calla Lilly
A friend shared this week that as a child, she had taken the centers out of the Calla Lilies and used them as Barbie Corn on the Cob. My children would use Elder Cones for their Barbies and Pyracantha as Barbie apples.

Blueberry Crepe & Grapefruit  
With all the duck eggs I painted...it has been necessary to become creative in the cooking of eggs. This was a Spelt Floor Crepe with Blueberries and goat cheese. Fresh grapefruit too. My last Irish Coffee until next weekend, as they frown on bringing the "Irish" to school.

Easter Duck Egg

I stay up late for these:

Em and Ellie
Baby Pickle 
Back to school tomorrow and back to The Nest on Tuesday. Staying up late will not make Spring break last longer. So, I will say, "Good Night Easter" and "Hello Count Down to Summer Vacation."

Good Night  Easter 2019

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Happy Spring Break

Image result for easter lily scripture

New Life in Christ

Breathe~ My goal for the week is to jump off the hamster wheel and relax.
I have a few other mini-goals. This summer for my birthday in August; I want to get the permanent ID card and my passport. With all this house-sitting for world travelers and I've never been out of the Continental USA. Goal for my 7th decade is to get past the ocean or at least to Canada. 

This week I sent for old marriage licenses and put the ball rolling to take back my maiden name. At my old school I was told we had to be Mrs. Somebody to get respect. Well, at my new school I am Ms. Deena and get more respect. It seems to be a matter of supporting staff. We don't have a caste system between Certified and Classified staff at my new school. Never have I felt so much respect and team work. Love my Tigers.

View from Hacienda Harvey

Duck Duck and Lucky Duck

Painted Duck eggs

The other side of the eggs
20 pounds of supervising feline, Mel

Easter Basket, Tumbler from some of my 5th graders

Iris, aka Purple Flags

Beautiful Azalea

Calla Lilly


Apple Blossoms

Lemon buds and little baby lemon

lavender full of bees and butterflies


Thoughts about Spring 2019

The song from Frozen that Olaf sings about "Summer"  has been going through my head a lot this week. "Bees are buzzing..." This is a haven for bees, butterflies and small critters of all kinds. There was a giant Jack Rabbit at the gate one morning as I left for work. Mr Rabbit stood on his hind legs and looked through the bars, no doubt, wishing for a bite of the grasses. Mr. Harvey will have a lot of mowing to do when they get home. It was winter when they left. This week it may get past 80 degrees.
    We still have one more thunder storm in the forecast on Saturday and then we may not see rain again until September. The lakes are full and the mountains have an amazing snow fall. Green shoots are coming up all over where there are miles of burned timbers from our fires last summer. 
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Spring means new life
As Easter comes we think of new life, new beginnings, restoration from ashes and death. I'm ready for fresh starts and a new season in my life. This is a season to be thankful for the harsh storms of winter and begin with a Thankful Heart. We have only one day of death, but every morning to live a fresh new day. Surrounded by all these beautiful flowers, blue skies, fresh air, clean water and comfort makes my heart overflow with gratitude.
Hug your kids and loved ones
Be Thankful
Image result for spring break snoopy
Happy Spring Break