Welcome to GIS Butterfly

GIS- Geographic Information Systems (English)
GIS- Global Information Science (ASL)
Butterfly- A colorful insect that flies from flower to flower pollinating and bring joy to the onlooker.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Peace Be Still

Peace, Be Still – Peace Be With U
Jesus controlled the storm

 Lent 2020

    On Wednesday February 26,2020 when I took the ashes on my forehead to begin the season of lent I had not given a lot of thought to the world health situation. My professor in my Math class on Thursday night spoke briefly of his concern about friends in Wuhan, China and the virus outbreak. The following week we were all aware of the VIRUS. By the end of our class on March 12th, the 20 students who assembled in person for the last time were more nervous about the Covid-19 coronavirus than we were about our final presentations of Math manipulative.
    The following week we met for the first time in our Zoom classroom for our Earth Science class. That night, March 19th is when the world we had known ceased to exist. My school district had made the decision to close school in Redding, California the previous Monday, so I was off work already. On Thursday, March 19th the governor or California declared a Shelter in Place order. We were in our Zoom classroom online and watching our phones blow up with messages. My Pier 1 manager had closed the store and was telling us that the store would remain closed until further notice.
    The next day I adopted my cat, Molly and began adjusting the new normal of my life.
Molly watching me while in my Zoom class
   Lent took on an entirely new meaning. I was giving up take-out coffee and fancy fingernails for Lent to put my spare change in the Mite Box. Now it appeared that I would be giving up my employment and visits to see my Grand-babies as well. Within a few days Molly had given me a routine. Get up, feed her, clean her box, feed me, do my devotional, hold her, take a walk, feed me, play with her, hold and pet her, do my university school work, feed me, hold her, feed her, clean her box... That has been the course of our days. Without getting to go to church services to make any day different than the next; I call all days Caturday.

Silver Lining

My silver lining is that no one in my family has gotten sick from Covid-19.I get to see my grandchildren everyday in pictures on my phone, video calls or videos sent by their moms. 
Ellie in a cute outfit made by Auntie Joey

Emelia and Bear
 Modeling her headband from Auntie Joey

Some days we have video of Judah eating and cooing

Some days Judah is clean,
but every video and picture is precious

I love the video calls even when the kiddos get fussy
   I have kept up on my Duolingo app for French for 188 days. Yesterday I started a new app from Caroline Leaf called SWITCH. Dr. Leaf is an author I have been following for almost a year. Her book Switch on Your Brain  explains the premise of the app. She teaches that you can change how you think in 21 days. Her daily 5 steps help you correct toxic thought patterns. I often listen to her podcasts when I feel anxious to help me rethink my toxic thoughts. 
   I hope you all are doing well with Shelter in Place. It seems that we, in California, won't be free to hug a neighbor for another few weeks or more. I am getting paid for my school job under contract, but I really miss all those little huggers. 

In the Morning of April 12 Around the World

People will be saying:

ALMIGHTY God, who through thine only-begotten Son Jesus Christ hast overcome death, and opened unto us the gate of everlasting life; We humbly beseech thee that, as by thy special grace preventing us thou dost put into our minds good desires, so by thy continual help we may bring the same to good effect; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost ever, one God, world without end. Amen.
(Book of Common Prayer)

Shalom, Deena🌍-🦋


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